Thursday, March 12, 2015

How to Identify Wolf Paw Prints

There is a simple way for you to recognize a wolf track from other animals. Coyotes and large dogs have similar paw prints, so it could be easy to mix them up. If you find a paw print on a walk and you think it might belong to a wolf, grab two straight sticks off the ground. Place one across the print diagonally, and the other stick from the opposite direction, and if it forms a perfect X, then you have a wolf print. Usually, you can tell that it's a wolf print because of its size alone. A wolf paw print would usually be as large as your hand. Also, unlike a cat print, dog prints have their claw imprint visible, and has 2 lobed pads while cats have 3 lobed pads.

As you can see in this picture, wolf prints are much larger, and they are perfectly symmetrical, unlike a dog print or a coyote print. Post any tracks you think it might be a wolf's in the comment section below!

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